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Infants -

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Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly roundup Infants

Dear Parents and Carers,


Weekly roundup – Infants 


Well, what a fantastic term it’s been, lots of fun, laughter and learning. One of the best parts of my job is walking around the school, in and out of classes, and it never ceases to surprise me how eager and confident the children are to come and share their knowledge and learning. 


We have selected the school councillors and they have been busy with their first meeting discussing their roles and thinking about which charities they would like to support this year. Well done to Toby Brazil class, Frances Chile class, Jennifer France class, Ivy Morocco class and Zac Japan class. 


Next term Louise will be organising the Green team so watch this space for the introduction of class Power Savers and Recycling Champions. 


Fun with science.  


An email is being sent with information about the Ogden Trust project and a photograph competition. This project has a focus on Physics and more information will follow regarding the project next term. Our children do love science! Click here and here for photos of Year 2 and Year 1


Important dates for your calendar and other news 


Next term is a busy one but a term that we all love. There are some important dates coming up. 


Parents and Carers evening Week 3 Monday 14th and Thursday 17th November (Joanna’s class will be Monday and Wednesday). The booking system will go live after half term and we will let you know when this happens. 


Bedtime story is Monday 21st November Children are invited back to school 6:00 Pm to 6:45 PM wearing their pj’s for a story with their teachers, hot chocolate and a biscuit. Teachers are also in their pj’s! – again more information will follow after half term.  


Christmas performances – Nursery Thursday 1st December 9:30 

                                                Reception Thursday 8th and Friday 9th 9:30 

                                                Years 1 and 2 Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th 9:30 


Open days Reception 2023 15th and 22nd November click here 


Fun, Laughter and Learning 

Celebrating that our approach to learning has a positive impact on all of our children with the first National data since 2019. More evidence that children are at the heart of all we do! Click here 



Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.


For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.



We hope you have a lovely half term break and Happy Diwali to those families celebrating on Monday. 


Best wishes, 


