Weekly roundup Junior
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly Roundup - Junior School
The sun has been shining this week and it’s been great!
Oracy learning walk:
On Monday, Faye, our Assistant Director of Education from the Trust, visited the Infant and Junior Schools. She spent time with Sophie, Mrs Simpkins, Amy McNaughton (Co-Chair of Governors), Mr Beament and myself looking at lots of things across the schools, but mostly focussing on Oracy. We saw some fantastic oracy activities taking place, from spotting the odd one out and explaining why in Reception, to debating ‘Is it possible to remember everyone who fought in the war?’ in Year 6. We saw specific talking techniques the children have been learning about, such as ‘talk tactics’ and use of the ‘concept cartoons.’ The children will be able to explain to you what these are.
We were very proud of all of the children, and it is great to hear from them that they think the Oracy project is really helping them with their learning. Charlotte said, “We hear from more people in the class now,” and Laurie said, “It helps you to change your opinion and realise you are not right with everything.”
Visit to Oriel Lodge:
Year 3 and 4 have been continuing their visits to Oriel Lodge this week, and had a lovely time playing games, making puzzles and doing drawing. The residents have been enjoying our visits – they welcomed us in and waved us off when we left. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported with these visits.
A message from a governor:
Please click here for a message from our governor Wendy Jupp. To see our school development plans which Wendy mentions, please click here.
We have teaching, TA and Nursery vacancies at the St Saviour’s Schools. Click here for more information.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
Have a fantastic half term. Don’t forget, Monday 5th is an INSET day. We will look forward to seeing pupils on Tuesday 6thJune.
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons