Weekly Roundup Juniors
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly Roundup - Junior School
We’ve started the term really well.
Miss Markwell, Mrs Eachus and the OPAL team have been continuing to work hard to make sure our playtimes are great! The OPAL team made bird feeders this week which are dotted around the site to encourage some feathered visitors! To see pictures, click here.
Request for your help:
We are looking for small items for our things for our Imagination/small world garden and the bus. These could include small world toys, books, natural materials (pine cones, acorns etc), dress up clothes… We would be very grateful for anything that you think we would enjoy!
Please drop these items at reception.
Year 5 Extended Homework Projects:
Year 5 were set an extended Homework project to research an aspect of their Viking topic and produce a project that they could present to the class. The creative ideas and thought that has gone into their projects has blown Mr Carter and Miss Drake away and it has been wonderful hearing how the children got on and what they learnt when they shared their work with their class! Click here to see pictures of these.
Other news:
For information about BANES library and their new SEND sensory bags, click here.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons