Weekly roundup
Weekly roundup
We started the week in assembly thinking about how we Show we care for our environment in the Infants and why Empathy is an important skill to develop in the Juniors.
My friend was upset and I stopped what I was doing and comforted her. Holly Year2
I have been helping everyone I can this week. Luca Year 2
It’s important to look after the plants as they help bees. – Maddie Year 1
Understanding others is important and you need to think about how other people feel. We can look at people’s body language and that tells us how they are feeling. This week I helped my friend understand a question in Maths. Grace Year 3/4
We need to understand how other people feel. What we do can affect other people. Alex Year 6
It has been wonderful for me personally to see how the Infant school values expand, grow, and deepen in the Junior children reflections.
Fun Science
On Thursday, the Infant children had a visit from a ‘Fun Scientist’ He showed us how electricity works using conductors and a Van de Graff generator made small lightening sparks and a couple of children’s hair stand on end!
It was really fun and it was all about electricity and I am very interested in electricity. Rupert Year 2
We have been learning all about inventors and scientists. It was good to see a scientist and the machines. There was one machine that made my friend’s hair stick up. It was called static electricity. Agnes Year 2
The Junior children are well on the way to achieving their OPAL play renewal award! The lunchtime play monitors take their roles very seriously and are having a super impact on making the lunch sittings even better.
As I walk the site I can see children dancing, making up games, using small parts and working collaboratively to run a cafe in the mud kitchen.
I really liked making Bubble Tea in the potion station. Bethany, Sophie and Evie Year 3/4
I have had a great time making a den with all of my friends. Zain Year 5
Me and my friends have enjoyed being in the mud Kitchen. We have also made some really good tanks. Felix Year 6
SEND Review
Yesterday we had our second Trust SEND review. The review is a great opportunity for us to share all our vision and strategies for supporting children with SEND. We welcomed Kim Lloyd and Suzie Presland (St Stephans). They spoke to parents, did a school learning walk, talked with children, spoke to Rosie our SEND link Governor and reflected with myself, Sara and Mrs Lewis. They were really impressed. We will share headlines with you when we receive the final report.
Author visit
Next Monday 29th April, Reception children are welcoming a real life author and illustrator Alice Tait into their classes.
Alice will be doing a reading of her picture book, and an activity. After school Alice will be holding a book signing on the playground by Ed’s Stage. Alice's book 'No, Nancy, No! A Dog Chase in New York' published by Walker Books is full of fun, lift the flaps, and DOGS! A great adventure for infant aged children. The books, sold through Mr Bs, will be at a discounted rate of £12.75 and you can pay cash or card. There will also be a free signed art print with every book. See you there!
Dates for diary
River Mells trip Year 5: Wednesday 22nd May
Year 6 SATs week: Week beginning Monday 13th May
Green Day: Thursday 23rd May (Infants and Juniors - more information to follow)
India class assembly: Friday 24th May (no celebration assembly this week)
Painting the Nursery
Building on the success of our weekend gardening group last weekend we are wanting to paint the nursery in preparation for new flooring to be laid during the May half term. If you are able to offer a few hours on Saturday 25th May 9:30 – 12:30 to help paint please can you let the main office know via email. We will gather a list of volunteers and then send out more information nearer the time. Children are welcome to play in the playground during this time.
SATs help
Thank you to those who have already volunteered some of their time during Year 6 SAT week. We are still a few people short. If you are able to help on any of the mornings Monday – Thursday of the week beginning Monday 13th May please can you let us know. It entails being present in a room when children are busy working. You would not be on your own.
Please check the website for pictures this week.
We hope that you all have a great weekend.
Best wishes,
Sophie Hunt