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01225 310137

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01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

World Book Day is back on 7th March 2019

World Book Day is back on 7th March 2019.


We are celebrating our love of books and reading with an opportunity for your child to come dressed up. This year's theme is: Non-Fiction texts. The children can have a think over the half-term holiday about what interests them in the world of information. They could choose something from their history or geography topic at school or books they have read at home.


If your child does not want to dress up, they will need to come to school in their usual school uniform.


We are looking forward to seeing dinosaurs, scientists, vulcanologists, athletes, artists, pilots, doctors, emergency service personnel, astronauts, animals, activists, builders, engineers and archeologists to name but a few!


Have a good half-term break.


Best wishes


Mrs. R. Offler.
