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St Saviour's Church Schools

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Pat is Retiring - Farewell and thank you

    Fri 26 Jun 2020

    After working at St Saviour’s for 10 years Pat is now retiring for a well earned break!


    She said ‘It’s been such a happy 10 years. I’ve loved working with such lovely children and a fantastic staff team and I’m going to miss everyone desperately. I’m sad to be leaving but excited to be beginning the next chapter of my life and enjoying more time with my grandchildren.’


    Over the 10 years Pat has taught approximately 300 of the children in our community with the eldest group now moving into year 10. Here are the classes she has taught.












    We’re going to celebrate the end of Pat’s career with the children and staff team.

    If you want to share any of your memories or give a message for then please email Please can all messages or memories be sent by Friday 3rd July.

  • Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 Playtime

    Wed 24 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    We understand that some children have been isolated from their friends for months and are missing playing and having fun. We hope that children are enjoying their online sessions and the chance to see, hear and have fun with their friends and teachers.


    We recognise that we can’t replicate the fun of a playground online and therefore we have organised an hour long playtime for all children not currently getting a chance to come back to school. This is a chance to play with their friends within a safe and familiar environment and will include children in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 who are NOT in Key Worker groups.


    These playtimes will happen outside of normal school hours and be supervised by one member of staff per group. This member of staff will most likely be a member of the Leadership Team and will be following social distancing measures.


    Children will be split into ‘bubble groups’ of no more than 15 children from their current class and all sessions will run from 4pm to 5pm.


    These playtimes will take place in one of the St Saviour’s outside play spaces.  Please see the attached photo with details of session times for the children.


    In order for this to work there are some rules that need to be followed:


    1.    Children to be dropped off at the relevant entrance at 4pm and parents and carers will not be able to come onto the school site

    2.    Please arrive on time. If your child arrives late there is a possibility they will not be able to access the playtime

    3.    Children need to wear the appropriate outdoor clothing for the weather

    4.    Children need their own water bottle, named and pre-filled with a drink

    5.    The sessions are 1 hour and parents must be ready to pick up their children at 5pm

    6.    Please ask your child to use the toilet before attending the session as we want to avoid children entering the school building

    7.    Children will be asked to use hand sanitiser before entering the school playground


    We hope that the weather is kind to us, but if sessions need to be cancelled, we will attempt to rearrange them, but this cannot be guaranteed.


    Best wishes,


    Mr Beament


    Executive Headteacher

    St Saviour’s Infant and Junior Church Schools
  • Phase 2 Plans

    Thu 18 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope this email finds you well and as always I thank you for your support and continued partnership during this tricky time.


    Last week brought more announcements and changes for schools and the Secretary of State for Education finally clarified the government position regarding the full opening of schools for the month before the summer holidays. He has accepted that most primary schools do not have the capacity, in terms of space and staff, to welcome back all pupils. As a result of this statement, the school’s Executive Leadership Team and the Bath and Wells Trust have been considering the position of Trust Schools as a collective, and the individual position of the St Saviour’s Schools.


    In the last few months, we have been asked to respond, usually at very short notice, to circumstances we could scarcely have imagined at the beginning of 2020. We have been tasked with the complete reorganisation and redesign of our school sites, including the outside grounds, classrooms and learning spaces, in order to follow the Government’s guidance and fulfil our own risk assessments.  We have launched an online learning platform and worked with children remotely. I would like to thank the staff team, families, carers and children for their understanding, support and flexibility as we have tried our absolute best to do this.


    At the start of last week all children that were entitled to return to school have been offered a place, with many having chosen to attend last week. We have now reviewed the current position and made decisions regarding what more we can offer children at home and in school for the remainder of this term.


    These will include* (more details can be found in the ‘The Details’ document that can be found here):


    1. Continue to offer full flexible schooling to multiple groups of children of Key Workers, vulnerable children and Nursery children every week until the last day of term on Friday 17th July.


    2. To maintain our two day a week provision for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 until the end of term (Friday 17th July) with the adults currently supporting them.


    3. To offer one whole day in school transition to all Year 2 children during the last 4 weeks of term with one of their new Year 3 class teachers.


    4. To offer a bespoke induction package to the children joining our Nursery and Reception year groups in 2020, including a combination of virtual induction and onsite visits.


    5. To offer online live streamed lessons to support transition for all children in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. These will include lessons with teachers from the year group your child is currently in and lessons with teachers who will be teaching your child’s year group next year**


    6. To offer live group story time to vulnerable children and selected children with a Teaching Assistant during the last 4 weeks of term**


    7. To offer live online interactive evening sessions for parents aimed at providing strategies for supporting your children at home


    *Please note, all these activities are subject to change if staff are ill or have to isolate

    **These sessions will be recorded by staff for safety reason. The files will not be published.


    We understand that this plan is not ideal and will not replace lessons and work that would normally be carried out at this time of the year in the same way. We are also aware that these plans will also continue to have an impact on family life and you will have many questions about the future. We hope the activities above will support families in managing these tricky times and give the children a chance to be part of a group (even if only online), share learning with some familiar faces and enjoying the experiences.


    Like yourselves, I await the next Government announcement and as soon as any announcement has been made, will review this and share our plans with you for future phases.


    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


    Best wishes,


    Mr Beament

    Executive Headteacher

    St Saviour’s Infant and Church Schools

  • The next phase - an update

    Tue 16 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Thank you for your patience as we consider the current position of our schools and the new government announcements.

    We are still carefully considering the current situation and planning towards the next phase and future phases. I am looking forward to sharing details of these with you all at the end of this week.


    In the meantime, I would like to invite parents and carers to a live event this Thursday evening on Microsoft Teams. This session will be the first of a series of events for parents and carers, aimed at helping you support your child through their transition and beyond.


    Details of the event are as follows:


    Introduction to St Saviour’s Schools 2020 transition programme

    Rationale behind the Thrive Approach transition programme. Links to the basic principles of Thrive.
    Thursday 18th June - join from 5:45pm (session starts at 6pm and ends at 7pm)


    A link to the event has been sent to you via email (you will need to log in using your child’s Microsoft Teams log in details)


    This session (and future sessions) is aimed at all parents and carers across our two schools and we would encourage everyone to attend.


    Thank you for your continued support and understanding.


    Best wishes,


    Mr Beament

    Executive Headteacher
    St Saviour’s Infant Church School and St Saviour’s Junior Church School

  • The next phase

    Fri 12 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    The next phase


    As I am sure you are aware the government have announced that their ambition to get all primary aged children back to school before the end of this academic year has been dropped. It has also been announced that the Government are working towards all primary children being back in school in September and a ‘summer catch up programme’. The only information provided to schools on this topic is that which was presented during the Prime Minister’s press briefing. No further details or guidance has yet been issued to schools. We are awaiting clarification and guidance on this. 


    Many hours of work have been put into ‘phase 1’ of increasing school numbers. We have carefully risk assessed the situation, analysed the Government guidance and consulted with stakeholders in order to bring back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. The Government guidance has not changed and the school’s risk assessment must stay in place.


    We are now working with the Trust and other local schools to formulate a plan in light of these new announcements and what can be achieved in the short term and what could be put in place in the longer term. Safety will always be paramount and all decisions will be taken in light of the current guidance and with advice from professionals.


    I understand that this is a difficult time for families and children and we will endeavour to keep you up to date on our planning and thinking as we progress. However, this is a very fluid situation that requires careful consideration and difficult decisions will need to be made.


    I will write to you at the beginning of next week with details of our plans at this point.


    We appreciate your support and understanding as we progress through these challenges and make the best decisions we can for our children and the community.


    I hope you have a relaxing weekend.


    Best wishes,   


    Mr Joe Beament

    Executive Headteacher

    St Saviour’s Infant Church School and St Saviour’s Junior Church School

  • ‘Black Lives Matter’

    Thu 11 Jun 2020

    We are immensely proud of our community and how we promote and support inclusion and equality at St Saviour’s Schools, including current support of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.


    The St Saviour’s Schools are committed to equality, inclusion and creating better lives for all our children. We are proud to teach the children about standing against racism and inequality through our curriculum topics and assemblies, for example, ‘black history month’ and the active role our children take as part of our Equalities Team (E-Team).


    The current ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests have given us the opportunity to explore further and teach the children more about this important issue. Therefore, over the coming weeks teachers and staff will be supporting and educating the children using a range of resources and learning from our continued and established partnership with SARI (Stand Against Racism and Inequality), our schools E-Team, literature and stories, and other resources available to schools.


    We will do this either in school with groups of children or via our online Learning Menus.

    Thinking longer term, we recognise that there is always more we can do and therefore moving forward we plan to task the Ethos Committee of the Local Governing Board and some key school leaders to review our current provision. Over the coming months we will consider what we can do to enhance and improve the education we offer about this important area.

    Attached: a photo of a St Saviour’s child at the Bristol march. This photo has gone viral online and was on the seven o’clock new

  • Updates and arrangements for next week (wb 8th June)

    Fri 05 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Week beginning 8th June 


    This email is to confirm the arrangements and updates from 8th June regarding illness, Home Learning, Key Worker Groups and some ‘back to school’ information.


    Temperature Checks and illness


    Please check your child(ren)'s temperature each morning before they leave for school. Do not send children to school if they are unwell or have any symptoms (however mild) of COVID19.


    Please inform the school if your child is displaying any symptoms of COVID19.


    It is very important that we have a contact number for all children in the event of illness. Please ensure there is a contact who can be called away from work to collect a child.


    If a child shows any symptoms of the virus while they are in school, it will be very important that they are isolated from other children and staff. Each school will have a designated room that will be used for a child while waiting for collection. A member of staff in PPE will care for them until collection.


    If any child or adult shows symptoms of the virus we will inform all parents within their bubble group. It is important that any adult or child showing symptoms of COVID19 is tested, and that school is informed of the test result ASAP. In the event of a positive test result all children and adults in that bubble group will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. We will update this guidance in line with Government policy.


    Key Worker groups


    Key Worker families have all received a phone call this week to establish your provision needs. Thank you for helping us with this.

    As explained in my last email, all Key Worker children need to arrive at the bottom Junior School gate (drop off point 8) between 08:45 and 09:00.


    The children have been split into 3 groups (mainly by age) and will be told their group when they arrive on their first day. 


    Home Learning 


    Thank you for your continued support of home learning and the work you are completing at home with your child(ren).


    As we open the school to more children next week, more teachers and adults will be in school, teaching groups, and therefore these adults will not be available in the same way to support with home learning. We have arranged that ‘home learning menus’ will continue and can be accessed in the normal way from the home learning page


    However, there will be some changes to the adults responsible for these year groups.


    Year group

    Teacher in charge of Home Learning menus

    Adult(s) available on Teams

    When will the adult be on Teams to help?




    Dropping in between 8 and 5 Monday to Friday 

    Year 1



    Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday

    Year 2



    Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday

    Year 3

     Mrs Lewis

     Mrs Lewis 

    Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday

    Year 4

     Miss Markwell

     Miss Markwell

    Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday and Tuesday only

    Year 5

     Miss Drake

     Miss Drake

    Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday

    Year 6

     Mrs Barlow

     Mrs Barlow

     Dropping in between 9.15 and 10.15 Monday to Friday


    Accessing school site


    When children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Worker children arrive at school for their first session, school will feel different and we have some rules that must be followed at all times to keep us all safe. These are displayed around both schools and are below:


    Rules to keep us safe

    1. Use the yellow lines and keep your 2 metre distance

    2. One parent or carer to drop off and pick up only

    3. ‘Give way’ to families leaving the school site

    4. No loitering in or around school

    5. Arrive on time—not early and not late

    6. Hold young children by the hand or use a buggy

    7. Please be patient


    Your first day


    We have created a series of helpful videos for the children that we hope will calm nerves and help when preparing for your first day at school! 

    The videos can found here


    Behaviour Management


    We have made some amendments to the school’s behaviour policies in light of our COVID19 risk assessment. These policies can be found here on the school website. All changes will be highlighted in blue for quick reference. These policies will be kept under review as we start to open to more children, please refer back to this page for the most up to date versions.


    Previous update emails 


    For your reference, all previous update emails and information I have sent to families can be found on the website ‘notice board’ here. 


    As always thank you for your continued support, we look forward to seeing more children and families next week and please email if you have any questions.


    Best wishes,

    Mr Beament


    Executive Headteacher

    St Saviour’s Schools
